The short film LIMBO starring Wilfried Hochholdinger and myself wrapped production yesterday! It’s a beautiful little film of love, loss and grief directed by Jean-Luc Julien of Aniika Films. My role as the grieving mother who’s trying to get on with her life clashes mightily with the role played by Wilfried as grieving father stuck in limbo. For more info, please visit our facebook page.


Here are a few stills from our shoot.





LIMBO wrapped

Limbo has wrapped and gone into post. I really loved this little project with fellow actor, Wilfried Hochholdering and director, Jean-Luc Julien of Anika Films. The very talented Jonas Everz, who designed the poster for HASE also designed our poster for LIMBO.



The Finellis

I’m happy to announce I’ll be playing, Tina Finelli in the pilot episode of The Finellis. It will be filmed in Sitcom format combining animation, singing routines and lot’s of dramady.

IMDb: The Finellis (TV Movie)

After spending 15 years in jail for a crime he did not commit, Tony Finelli, a star from the 1990s tries to rebuild his life and career as well as reconnect with his family.


Berlinale 2016 – what a blast! This is my second Berlinale and its amazing what just the span of one year can do. Last year I felt a so on the fringe of it all and this year was just the opposite. Everywhere I went I ran into colleagues who I now consider friends. The only problem is, I probably had too much fun and hardly took any pictures at all. Here’s one from Movie Meets Media. Next year, I’ll do better!



Hase the Short Film – Set Pix

HASE is a very black little drama that was inspired by an improvisation between myself and actor, Max Howitz. I wrote it and Matthias Hedwig directed it. Franco Bubani was DOP. Here’s a peek at what it looked like on set.